Good to know that even the Prime Minister isn't immune to a wardrobe malfunction which blights womankind daily.
'Shirt Gape' - the result of shoddy buttonholemanship - is when, unbeknown to the wearer, their chest is on show to the world thanks to the surreptitious separation of button and said buttonhole.
Of course, any, or all of the following, helps this particular affliction along:
Too tight shirt
Too big boobs
Too much dinner
Poor Dave seems to have fallen foul of at least one of the above (it would be indelicate of us to suggest any more).
READ: Patricia Field lets rip on 'fat' David Cameron
Having hoovered up a hearty feast at last night's Lord Mayor's Banquet at London's Guildhall, and settled back, midlife style, to lament that last helping of crumble, it became apparent (to the lurking photographers at least) that all was not well 'below'.
' Is it me or has someone put the AC on in here?' Photo: Getty
The Priministerial pecs had in fact worked loose from their casing thanks to a set of terribly fancy, yet wholly impractical, stud fastenings on his starched white dress shirt.
Perhaps the pop of flashbulbs roused him from his reverie and alerted him to the gentle breeze around his 'squeezed middle', or maybe he had to make like the rest of us civilians and rely of a gentle cough and knowing nod from a considerate colleague.
A swift glide of the hand up the front, dignity restored, 'totally got away with that' he thought.
Damn those photographers.
'Totally got away with that' Photo: Reuters
David started the evening with all the dignity and savoir faire of Lord Grantham. Photo: PA
Via: David Cameron's wardrobe malfunction
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