Selasa, 13 November 2012

GQ Let Rihanna Keep Her Nipple

While Allure Photoshopped cover girl Keira Knightley's chest to resemble that of Barbie’s kid sister Stacie, brother publication GQ mercifully spared its “Obsession of the Year,” Rihanna. Granted, it’s not the cover shot. But with a fraction of Riri’s nipple casually on display, this picture boldly interrogates the pervy arbitrariness of mainstream magazines’ “nipple/no nipple” litmus test for decency. Before we give GQ too much credit, remember that Rihanna had previously made great strides in the nipple-normalization movement when she was photographed walking around Soho in a sheer bandeau bra. Now, Riri, repeat after Keira: I am a feminist, but I clearly objectify myself. I am a feminist, but I clearly objectify myself.

Via: GQ Let Rihanna Keep Her Nipple

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