Jumat, 16 November 2012

Grazia Joins Rihanna On Her 777 Tour - Will Chris Brown Make An Appearance?

Jet-lagged? Plane crazy after 22 hours in the air? No way! This is Rihanna! The woman who puts the Duracell Bunny to shame. Rihanna does it in heels.

Strolling on stage an hour and a half late (no late luggage dramas this time; just she's on that superstar who-cares-what-time-it-is clock) to a frantic Canadian crowd, Ri-Ri wowed in white leather Adidas bra top, sports grey cut-offs and grey baseball-style jacket hanging loose enough to showcase her killer body.

Showing no signs of the fatigue that is half-killing everyone else on the 777 super tour, the singer blasted through a 20-song medley - including Umbrella, Love The Way You Lie and What's My Name - but let's get real. This is Rhianna, we know the songs are great. We just want to know more about the party queen.

So on stage she drinks: a shot of tequila, then she demanded more alcohol (it was brought to her in a large red plastic cup). She swears more than the average Bronx rapper - f**k being her swear word of choice - and she stomps around that stage in the best grey heels we've seen this side of Canada. After being dragged off stage on the back on one of her backing singers, her only complaint was that there was no club to go to to party.

It was straight back on the plane to Stockholm where a flying visit - day three of the 777 tour - narrowly serves a run in with her ex Chris Brown who is due to perform in the Swedish capital on Monday.

There is still building speculation about whether Rihanna - whose latest album is called Unapologetic - is to duet with Brown at the tour's finale in New York. Despite causing massive controversy by getting Brown to sing a track entitled Nobodies Business, whispers on the 777 Tour suggest there is a real possibility Brown will be the special guest.

Well, this is Rhinana. Unapologetic.

Via: Grazia Joins Rihanna On Her 777 Tour - Will Chris Brown Make An Appearance?

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