Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Adventures in Hair Color: Nordstroms Neon Chalk Sticks

Yesterday, I road-tested Katy Perry's peacock-hued false lashes.  Today's experiment includes a run-in with Nordstrom's Hair Chalk. As soon as the impromptu afternoon activity arrived at my desk, three of my colleagues instantly jumped out of their chairs to join me. Our findings:

Christina Han: My hair, unlike the other Xtina's My Little Pony mane, has never been dyed. It's also only been chemically treated once, when my mom thought a perm at age 5 would be a good idea. While I chose the pink-hued chalk and aggressively rubbed it into my dry follicles like the directions said to do, more color stuck to my hands than my hair. After dampening another section of hair then rubbing the color in, the pigment seemed to transfer a little better. If you're close enough to inspect my split ends, you'll see a wisp of pink.

Via: Adventures in Hair Color: Nordstroms Neon Chalk Sticks

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