Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Condom Delivery Service Promotes Safe Sex

You know that moment when you're so hot and bothered it's time to reach for a condom…but the box is empty? Worst letdown ever.

But a sophomore at The College of New Jersey will get you out of that situation. He'll come fast -- with his backpack full of condoms. The recently-founded prophylactic delivery service called CondAm, a.k.a the “Condom Ambulance,” is answering the prayers of thousands of sexed-up students on campus.

“I would rather people who were not prepared call me… rather than make a bad decision,” McCabe told The Signal, the school’s student newspaper.

Amorous, unarmed co-eds can call, text or order online at and buy up to 10 Trojan Enz condoms, with prices ranging from $3 to $15.

Plus, McCabe guarantees a measly (though undoubtedly the longest) 5-minute wait time during prime late-night hours (Friday-Sunday, 7 p.m. to 3 a.m.), with the unofficial motto: “go from kissing, to condoms, to sexy-time in mere seconds!” Um, Kyle, we think you skipped a few bases...

To protect itself from getting screwed, CondAm asks customers to sign a waiver of liability stating that the company is not responsible for any pregnancies or diseases that may occur due to the use of the purchased condom and that the student purchasing the condom has the consent of his or her partner.

Via: Condom Delivery Service Promotes Safe Sex

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