Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

How Much Should We Worry About Defense Secretary Nominee Chuck Hagels Pro-Life Record?

Before Chuck Hagel was President Obama’s nominee for secretary of Defense, he was a U.S. senator from Nebraska and decorated veteran who said unkind things about gay people and opposed abortion, even in the case of rape and incest, because it was so rare. Hagel has since apologized for the bigotry "insensitivity," but we’re left wondering how to feel about his decade-old pro-life credentials. Not thrilled, obviously. But it’s not like he’s running to be legislator, à la Todd Akin, or being nominated to the Supreme Court. The Internet outrage machine is still well-oiled from our time with the GOP “rape caucus” last fall. But must we hit the on button, in this case?

Via: How Much Should We Worry About Defense Secretary Nominee Chuck Hagels Pro-Life Record?

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