It truly is Taylor Swift's week. The songstress revealed a new album, album cover, song AND music video during a Yahoo live stream and within minutes, the news was trending worldwide. Taylor explained that the album, 1989, is inspired by '80s pop. Bowie, eat yer heart out. So does this mean we'll see her dressing more poptastic than ever?
Because we've long noticed that T-Swiz changes her style according to each album. Think of it as part of a marketing strategy, if you will. Indeed, during the grand announcement, Taylor her ever-evolving wardrobe. 'As a songwriter and just as a person, I try to be really open to inspiration, whether I am walking down the street in New York and see someone wearing something cool, I am effected by those things,' she said.
'In the same way as you have to be vulnerable to new emotions and painful emotions and great emotions and let those things into your songwriting... I kind of let the same thing happen with fashion, and what you'll find is you'll experiment with things you weren't comfortable with before.'
Whether it's a heartbreak album reflected by retro tea dresses or a country album complemented by cowboy boots, Swifty sticks to a tried and tested recipe. It's a wonderful marketing strategy and certainly keeps us on our toes. May it never end. Like, ever.
Taylor Swift - 2006
The style evolution began back in October 2006 when Taylor released her eponymous debut album shortly after signing her first record deal. Aged 15, she looked like the ultimate country star on the album cover complete with a halo of Goldilocks curls. As she tackled the red carpets of the world, we saw her amping up her adorableness in babydoll dresses that were cute without going OTT. And nothing screams country darling better than a shimmering pair of cowboy boots. Yikes.
Fearless - 2008
When Fearless came into our lives, it was all homecoming queen glossiness and Tay's mane of ringlets took centre stage for the cover. She started dating Joe Jonas and together, they were the ultimate squeaky clean teen couple. Her red carpet style was the perfect complement: see the girlie floor-length dresses worthy of a Nashville prom queen.
Speak Now - 2010
By the time Taylor released her third album, Speak Now, she wasn't just embracing a sequin - she was positively drenching herself in them. Whether performing on stage or posing on a red carpet, the star couldn't get enough shiny, spangle, short dresses - after all, how better to complement the princessy twinkles on her album cover? You've got to admire that sartorial consistency, right? The sex kitten edge was also starting to emerge - by the end of the year, Taylor was dabbling in the world of poker-straight hair avec blonde fringe and it certainly caught the eye of Mr John Mayer...
Red - 2012
Taylor's style matured with the release of her third album (essentially a homage to her Jake Gyllenhaal heartbreak, sob) and she thankfully escaped her sparkling style rut. Gone was the glitz and in its place was a super-preened retro style and a new boyf in the shape of Conor Kennedy. This time, she took the name of the album as wardrobe inspiration, naturally, trotting out an array of crimson-coloured tea-length frocks. The parade was accessorised by a slick of red lippy, side-swept locks and a collection of nude heels that K-Middy would be proud of.
1989 - 2014
Cut to today and 24-year-old Taylor has treated us to brand new cover art inspired by the '80s (the decade she was born). The minimalist polaroid snap is quite a departure from the usual glossy fare and has already garnered comparisons to David Bowie. Of course, this calls for another style overhaul and the transformation is already underway. Whether she's coming out of the gym or hitting an awards show, we've seen a carefully constructed wardrobe in recent weeks. Her new ladylike uniform consists of crop tops and matching flared skirt sets, preferably accompanied by a supermodel BFF. Well, if you've got abs and legs a-go-go, why ever not? Welcome to the grown-up Swifty era!
See more of Taylor's excellent style hits in the gallery below...
Via: New Album, New Style! A Homage To Taylor Swift's Evolving Wardrobe
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